CHS has long recognized that environmental and 社区 resources are vital to the future of agriculture, 全球粮食系统和200万美国人口.S. 以种地为生的农民. 农艺多样化, 谷物, 食物和皇冠hga010安卓二维码, CHS is integrating sustainability more fully into our core businesses and bringing that growing strength to the cooperative system. The system is a critical link to a more adaptable global food system and the success of CHS and its owners.
我们认识到,可持续发展对农业或卫生服务来说并不新鲜. At the same time, we have many opportunities to play a stronger role in sustainability initiatives. 出于这个原因, CHS正在采取一种以结果为基础的方法,长期关注人, 社区, 经济可行性和环境成功. 通过关注具体的结果, 我们将更有能力推动整个合作体系的可持续成功.
在2023财政年度, we continued to learn more about the current and future sustainability needs of the company through an extensive materiality assessment. 评估包括与我们的内部和外部利益相关者的深入对话, 包括董事会, 合作社成员, 农场主和牧场主, 来自贸易组织的主要利益相关者, 金融界和下一代农业领袖. 从评估来看, CHS is developing an enterprise sustainability strategy and working to integrate the strategy across all aspects of our company.
在CHS, 我们相信,可持续发展是我们所做的事情的本质:提高农业生产力, helping communities thrive and feeding a growing global population while using fewer resources. Our current and future investments will play a critical role in this work as we leverage innovative solutions and technologies to drive continuous improvement and enhance outcomes.
Consumers will also play an important role as they navigate toward sustainable solutions and search for information on farm-to-table processes and handling. 他们不仅会变得更有见识, but greater transparency throughout the supply chain will continue to inform their decision-making.
作为全球农业综合企业的领导者,拥有超过10个,000名员工, CHS致力于减少我们对地球的影响, creating new market opportunities and investing in ways to build a better future for our owners, 客户, 员工和社区.
Jay Debertin